Photo booths

Event Specialists has a growing list of photo booth types and unique photography entertainment to suit your needs.  Choose from seated booths, stand-up booths, green screens, flip books and red carpet entrance instant portraits.    

We offer all-inclusive packages with unlimited photo sessions for the contracted time period and all the best standard options for your event type.  No extra charges after the event.  One flat fee for the best of everything.

Every event is custom planned and quoted.  Please submit a quote request and include information such as event type, location, date of event, and your contact information or call today 815-830-0712.  Got questions? Check our FAQs at the bottom of this page.

Our best wishes to you for an enjoyable event,

Al & Mark "Event Specialists"




Stand-up Photo Booth

Stand-up Photo Booth

Traditional Seated Photo Booth

Traditional Seated Photo Booth

Seated photo booth

Our original photo booth has an elegant traditional look and creates a very romantic atmosphere for couples or an easily usable booth for kids.  This booth seats 3 average size adults and is great for outdoor events.

Green Screen

Green Screen

Green Screen

Green screens are great for almost any event where you would have a photo booth.  Choose background images to fit your theme or use a company logo, etc.  Use a green screen with pictures taken at your destination wedding as the background.


Enclosed Stand-up Booth

stand-up photo booth

The stand-up style booth is our most popular and offers more flexibility for different kinds of setups and larger groups in the photos.


Flip Books

Flip Books


Flip books make great guest favors.  Guests make a short video in front of a custom background and our state of the art software & instant printers turn it into a small book of still pictures that appear to move as your thumb is pulled across the pages.



Thank You Card from Meghan & Jake


  • Why do you offer All-Inclusive Packages?  Look beyond the impossibly low prices offered by unscrupulous vendors.  When you read the fine print their low price won't include any of the necessities like props or unlimited photo sessions and probably only applies to weekday dates, etc.  Our all-inclusive packages means never having to say "I wish I had gotten that option."  Our packages include everything you need for your event type such as, weddings, colleges, corporate events, birthdays, etc.  All of our packages include props, unlimited photo sessions, digital copy on DVD, copies for everyone in the picture and customized colors, names, dates and logos on the prints.  Weddings, birthdays and anniversaries all include a premium scrapbook with copies of all the pictures and guest comments.

  • How much room does a photo booth need?  Generally our photo setups need about 10' by 12'.  Please plan on providing one banquet table for props and one relatively close power outlet.  Our setups will be organized to fit your particular venue.

  • Will our guests get the prints right away?  Yes, we use dye sublimation printers which take only 5 seconds to print and require no drying time.  The prints last virtually forever.

  • Will everyone get a copy?  Yes, each person in the photo will get a copy instantly.

  • What is a "Memory Book?"  For weddings, birthdays, mitzvahs, etc, we use a 12" x 12" scrapbook and fill it with a copy of every photo strip and encourage guests to leave a message beside their pictures in the book.  At the end of the event you will receive a fully assembled keepsake along with the DVD that includes all the photo strips and each individual picture.

  •  Is the booth attractive enough for my event? Our booths have no exposed metal or logos.  Many photo booth companies use booths that just resemble a metal box and look totally out of place, especially at weddings.  Our booths are made with elegance to match your event.


  • Will every guest in the photo get a photo strip? Most photo booth companies print only 1 or 2 strips for each group using the booth! We make everyone happy with enough strips for each guest.


  • Is the print format fully customizable? Our prints may be formatted in an unlimited number of ways.  You may choose from 2 to 4 photos per print, traditional strips, 4x6 or even 5x7 prints.  We will customize your prints with colors to match your theme, include logos or messages on every print and adjust the layout to best suit your needs.


  • Are props included? We provide a wide assortment of high quality props such as wigs, hats, sunglasses, etc.  The selection is always changing as pieces disappear and as pieces are misused by guests.  You are always welcome to supplement or replace our props to match your theme.  Your props will be returned to you after the event.


  • Does the booth have an external monitor so those waiting in line can see the action inside?  All our booths have a monitor or computer screen on the outside of the booth so those waiting in line can see the action inside the booth.  If you want everyone at the event to be able to see the photo booth action you may opt for a projector to show it up on the wall or large screen.


  • Does 123 Picture Me offer a range of different booth types? We offer seated booths, stand-up style booths for larger groups, open booths, green screens and flipbooks to meet any need.

  • Does 123 Picture Me use state-of-the-art software? We use the most up to date software to insure the best user experience, including social media integration, video capabilities, touchscreen monitors, etc.

get a quote today or call 815-830-0712